Nebulosa constelação de Centaurus. Descoberta pelo projeto GLIMPSE in 2005.
GSO 305 mm - Canon T3 - OAG - Coma Corrector
8 x 4 min ISO 800 - 32 min - Skyglow filter
21 x 5 min ISO 400 - 1 h 45 min - - Skyglow filter
15 x 8 Min ISO 800 - 2 h - UHC filter
Total: 4 h 17 min Texto com referencia a região:
From 4 and 5)
In the head of SFO 74, IRAS 14159-6111 point source (MSX G313.2850-00.3350) is located, where Thompson et al. (2004) reported presence of an ultracompact HII (UCHII) region. This BRC was classified morphologically as Type A (moderately curved rim; Sugitani & Ogura 1994) by focusing on just its brighter tip part. As seen in the SuperCOSMOS Hα image (Parker et al. 2005) of Figure 1a, however, its entire shape seems to be Type B (tightly curved rim) rather than Type A. This shape appears to be symmetric with respect to the UV incident direction from the exciting stars, so it is very likely that this shape was formed by UV radiation, i.e., the RDI effect by massive stars (e.g., Miao et al. 2009).